Our Homes
Hexagon Care Specialist Therapeutic Services are an established provider of specialist residential care, education and therapy to children and young people who present with histories and behaviours which require long term interventions to address. All of our Specialist Therapeutic Services homes are rated as Outstanding or Good by Ofsted.
Our Specialist Therapeutic Services also has the advantage of an in-house Psychology team, providing a qualified Psychologist embedded within each home. We are able to provide individual interventions, as well as work systemically with the care and education staff, as one team. This enhances the knowledge of the factors that underpin the behaviours, and offers psychologically informed practise to support each child.
Each of our Specialist Therapeutic Services homes benefits from experienced management and staff teams, who are suitably qualified and experienced for their roles. We have the advantage of excellent staff retention, ensuring each service has confident, competent and experienced teams to support the complex client group. The staff have access to award-winning training from the company's learning and development team, the allocated psychologist, and local safeguarding boards; as well as specialist providers in the field.
Solo, Dual & 3 Bed Provisions
Hexagon Care Specialist Therapeutic Services are able to offer small nurturing homes, with psychologically informed care and high levels of support. These homes support some of the most vulnerable young people in society. Often their complex needs require individualised, person-centred care, and extensive multi-agency working.
Our solo, dual and 3 bedded therapeutic homes enable one to one care, allowing the development of strong and genuine relationships that support young people to engage in the therapy they require. Care staff are supported by a clear management structure, a comprehensive training and development package, and extensive clinical support and supervision from the in-house psychology team.
HSB 6 Bed Provisions- Care, Education & Therapy
Hexagon Care Specialist Therapeutic Services are able to provide holistic services for young males, incorporating care, education and psychological therapy within 6 bedded services that are based around Greater Manchester and East Cheshire; however, the young people we work with can be placed from anywhere in country. The homes are established with ratings of Good or Outstanding for both Care and Education at each location.
Each home within this service has its own, on site, independent school that is registered with the DfE for up to 6 boys aged 11-18. The schools deliver a bespoke and personalised curriculum to meet the individual needs of the learner. Each school has a full time Head Teacher, and a full time Teacher and offers a broad curriculum and significant amounts of individual teaching that the smaller class size offers.
School and home work in partnership to ensure that the needs of the students are met and positive outcomes are achieved. Learning is further supported by the ICOPE programme, through which young people have accessed evening school, day programmes with colleges and other providers, full time college courses, and training and employment opportunities.
Individual Community Opportunities Planned Experiences (ICOPE) Programme
All of the Hexagon Care Specialist Therapeutic Services HSB homes are based in their local communities, which means that the young people benefit form the opportunity to positively and safely engage in their community. This process is supported via the Specialist Therapeutic Services’ ICOPE Programme. The ICOPE Programme is the multi-agency safety plan to manage reduced supervision and increase access to communities.
ICOPE helps each individual put into practice strategies developed with the therapy team to enable them to manage any concerns effectively and safely. It links into the development of independence skills to prepare for a step down to independence or returning to families post placement. It gives each young person the opportunity to develop interests and identity, in line with the principles of the Good Lives Model (Ward & Stewart, 2003) & (Chu, Koh, Zeng, & Teoh, 2015), and supports progress evaluations throughout placement.
Our Specialist Therapeutic Services has an ‘in-house’ team of highly qualified and skilled therapeutic practitioners. These include a Consultant Lead Forensic Psychologist, Senior Forensic and Clinical Psychologists, and Forensic Psychologists in Training (who work under direct supervision of qualified Psychologists). All our psychologists are registered with the Health Care Professions Council and are either Associate Fellows or Chartered Members of the British Psychological Society. The Specialist Therapeutic Services therapy team has extensive experience of working in secure and community settings with a variety of presenting needs and concerns, including children and young people, families and adults who present with clinical concerns and forensic histories.
Our Specialist Therapeutic Services methods of working include an initial and comprehensive psychological and forensic assessment. The use of recognised tools (such as AIM-III, JSOAP, SAPROF, SAVRY, WISC-V, TSCC to name but a few) are utilised as a compliment to clinical assessment, formulation and communication of clear individual and systemic recommendations towards improvement.
In terms of intervention, the Specialist Therapeutic Services therapy team is trained and skilled in the delivery of a number of evidence based interventions (including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy [CBT], Eye Movement Desensitisation and Re-processing [EMDR] Therapy [Child and Adolescent Specific], Schema Focused Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, and Compassion Focused Therapy). Our forensic focused intervention programmes aim to reduce risk concerns through utilising an individualised approach to therapy. All interventions are consistent with current best evidence and compliant with relevant guidance from the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
At Hexagon Care Services we believe that multidisciplinary working is essential to ensure an effective ‘team around the child’ is established. Our therapeutic practitioners regularly provide consultation and advice to a range of professionals including care, education and health, and the families throughout placement. Following careful appraisal of the basis and scope of the input required, we offer bespoke psychological advice and guidance on positive behavioural management strategies, risk management approaches and methods, strategies to improve educational functioning, strategies to improve family relationships.