Social, Emotional &
Mental Health Difficulties

The young people we help often face complex challenges, calling for a broad mix of expertise. Fortunately, we have a variety of homes available nationally used to supporting young people’s social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
Outstanding homes
We offer services from solo provision through to six bedded homes, either single or mixed gender, for young people aged 11 to 17. Our homes are warm, nurturing places to live, where we actively listen and encourage young people to embrace education, hobbies and leisure activities. A high percentage of all of these homes are consistently rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.
Aspirational approach
We believe the best way to help young people is to set clear, consistent boundaries and expectations, placing a real value on education and aspiring to more in life. We underpin all this with our safeguarding expertise: keeping young people safe while teaching them the skills to reduce their own risk and make better more informed decisions.
24/7 care
Our homes work on clearly defined staffing ratios, dependent on the needs of the young people in each home. Increased individual support can be provided if required. We usually have three dedicated staff on each shift, with a minimum of two staff on shift during the night time. Our management team are available for support at all times, day or night.
Part of the community
Our homes are established in carefully chosen locations throughout the country. We have a broad mix of houses, from large and detached set within their own grounds, in rural areas and smaller urban homes. We ensure public transport is close at hand, so young people can access the wider community and with staff support, work closely with local services. It is vital that our homes play a full and active role in their local community, with our relationships with local authorities being of paramount importance to us.
Committed to education
Everyone has a right to a good education and we are committed to accessing this for our young people. Our managers and teams are supported by our Head of Education who works with a variety of agencies to make sure young people receive their statutory right to education and the support to reach their full potential.
Therapeutic Interventions
Our Specialist Therapeutic Service is able to provide interventions for bespoke placements within Hexagon Care Services where required, subject to availability, care planning and fee agreement.